100821 Last post for https://explosivelyfit.blog/

100821 Last post for https://explosivelyfit.blog/
By now you probably have noticed there have been very few new entries on this blog.

The reason for this is I am devoting more time and energy to my https://activelyfitseniors.blog/
Some of these posts more than likely will show up again in the ActivelyFitSeniors blog.

In my present state of mind and knowing the older generation, of which I am now a part of, needs training advice I have decided to jump in with both feet and provide the best information possible.

Some of the topics I, and other professionals, are covering are:

Aerobic training, Anaerobic exercise, Balance training, Benefits of exercise, Body composition, Books, Care Giving Information, Cognitive Health, COVID-19, Equipment, Exercises, Fitness, Flexibility, Health, Miscellaneous, Nutrition, Physical activity, Sex, Videos
Thank you for helping make the https://explosivelyfit.blog/ better and better since June of 2008. It truly is with a sad heart to be making this my last posting.

Take care all of you out there.

260521 Incorporating an efficient warm up into your strength training program part 3 of 3

Part 3 of 3
Simply running in place or pulling your leg behind the back doesn’t cut it this portion of an exercise session. Moreover, it certainly does not prepare your body for any competitive sport at all! The warm up must get the body ready to perform effectively and efficiently at its peak. Doing so requires attention to raising the heart rate, preparing the nervous system, the muscles, tendons, joints and the ligaments that hold it all together.

120521 Incorporating an efficient warm up into your strength training program part 2 of 3

Part 2 of 3
Simply running in place or pulling your leg behind the back doesn’t cut it this portion of an exercise session. Moreover, it certainly does not prepare your body for any competitive sport at all! The warmup must get the body ready to perform effectively and efficiently at its peak. Doing so requires attention to raising the heart rate, preparing the nervous system, the muscles, tendons, joints and the ligaments that hold it all together.

280421 Incorporating an efficient warm up into your strength training program part 1 of 3

Part 1 of 3
Simply running in place or pulling your leg behind the back doesn’t cut it this portion of an exercise session. Moreover, it certainly does not prepare your body for any competitive sport at all! The warm up must get the body ready to perform effectively and efficiently at its peak. Doing so requires attention to raising the heart rate, preparing the nervous system, the muscles, tendons, joints and the ligaments that hold it all together.